Granular access management
Schema visualizer
Bulk data editing, import and export
In this update we've released our most requested feature: the ability to edit Firestore data from Fireview. We've gone above and beyond in our approach, allowing you to make type-aware, granular updates to any (nested) field, commit edits in batches and view a change-log of all changes made from Fireview by all your teammates, with the ability to revert changes.
First version of Firestore document field editing
Granular edit state indicators
Type-aware field inputs
Batch edits support
Change-log/activity drawer
Role-based (admin, member) editing control
Dark mode
Visual indicators for real-time data changes throughout Fireview
Type validation indicators showing fields with incorrect types
Billing page redesign
Styling improvements to field data blocks
Enum input
Fixed reliability issues with schema inference
Fixed real-time issues in infinite scroll tables
A lot of performance and minor issues
In this update, we've introduced a powerful new command bar to Fireview that makes navigation and content creation faster and more intuitive. This will just be the start and we are already working on making it much more powerful in the coming updates. We've also made significant improvements to performance and usability across the application, especially for tables and creating layouts.
Added dynamic command bar
Global/Collection commands module for quick access to settings and page creation
Smart search functionality for pages & collections
Blocks module for rapid content insertion
Document field preview in drawers
Keyboard shortcuts support:
to focus command bar↓↑
for cycling through options⏎ return
to select/insertesc
to closeHold
to view available shortcuts
Improved infinite scroll
Added row virtualization for better performance
Added loading indicator in tables when fetching (more) documents
Improved table headers
Aggregations now appear below header name
Improved document drawers
Resizable drawer support
Stacked drawer navigation
Major performance optimizations
Faster block and collection view operations
Improved query speed
Better page and grid layout loading states
Improved active state design for filter/sort buttons in collection views
Fixed block saving issues when updating immediately after addition
Fixed infinite scroll fetching at bottom of page
Fixed list block deletion errors
Fixed document drawer focus issues
In this update we have made many small and big improvements to improve the quality of life. We have updated the modals in Fireview to be more informative, easier to use and with extra features. You can now for example add undetected subcollections yourself using our manual input, and request new integrations in settings.
We have also revamped the filter operators and value inputs for different data types, e.g. you can now easily filter on dates by using out natural language input or construct/paste references to filter on.
Added manual input for adding collection
Add even the most deeply nested subcollections
Construct using shortcuts, or paste in a path
Can also be used as a search bar
Added integrations tab in settings
Manage your connected Firebase projects
Request new integrations
Added infinite scroll to tables by default
Added new operators and input types to filters
Use natural language to easily filter by date ( + time), week, month, year
Try “Today”, “Last month”, “4 weeks ago”, “This year”
Easy to use document reference inputs, pasted paths are automatically parsed
Use math inside number inputs
New list inputs (compatible with all the other new input types) can be used with the new
Improved modal to connect to a Firebase project
Guided steps with better explanations
Quicklinks to Firebase console pages
Improved settings modal, now accessible via the shortcut
⌘ + ,
Improved modal to add collections
Improved fetching & added caching
Redesigned edit schema page
Improved loading states for tables and charts
Improved UI of showing if a page/collection has nested items
Improved loading states and UX of the sorting popover
Improved visuals, alignement, sizing and spacing in various places
Fixed bug when pressing
⌘ + A
in an input while in a page or document drawerFixed crash when trying to filter on a reference or id
Fixed issue with showing table headers and footers on Safari
Fixed array elements not showing up in array blocks
Fixed added subcollections not correctly being nested below their parent collection
Fixed collection view not being auto selected on collection page load
Fixed Firebase project not connecting
Introducing charts in Fireview. You can now create powerful charts connected directly to Firestore with just a few clicks. Charts are a different type of collection view, just go to the collection view settings > layout and change it from table to chart.
4 chart types supported
Horizontal/vertical bar chart
Line chart
Pie chart
For timestamp values group by day/week/month/year
Supports options to make cumulative and to omit 0 values
Add subgroups to create complex and highly visual charts
Supports stacked, non-stacked and percent display styles
Customize the colors, auto theme option included
Notification to create index if it's not created yet
Easily combine with filters
Combine multiple collection view block in a page to create custom dashboard
Collection view block have an improved layout
Filter layout and behavior
Cell layouts for certain data types
This update brings new powerful aggregations to our data table footer, allowing you to easily view the number of documents, averages and sums and much more. If you're familiar to Notion you'll feel right at home with this update.
Added aggregations to table footer
Count all: Get a tally of all documents in a view
Count empty: Count the number of documents where that field is empty
Count non empty: Count the number of documents where that field is not empty
Percent empty: Percent of the documents where that field is empty
Percent non empty: Percent of the documents where that field is not empty
Average: Calculate mean values for numerical fields
Sum: Total up numerical fields
Minimum: Lowest value for numerical fields
Maximum: Highest value for numerical fields
Earliest date: Earliest date value for timestamp fields
Latest date: Most recent date value for timestamp fields
Date range: Time between earliest and latest dates for timestamp fields
We're excited to announce that subcollections are now fully supported in Fireview, allowing you to now view all of your data.
Added subcollection support
View the whole collection group by default
View subcollections within top-level documents using our table block in the document view
You can for example use this to view all messages for a certain chat document.
Multi-level nesting support
Improved settings modal
Merged account and workspace settings for easier access
Improved layout page
Fixed issue where the table and the application would freeze
You can now open linked documents with one click in Fireview. Gone is the pain of having to copy a linked document reference, and trying to find that document in Firestore manually. Fireview makes it super easy now to quickly view the data of that document.
Open linked documents
Open from either cells or blocks
Improved reference block
Major grid editor performance improvements
Small visual improvements to sidebar
You can now show the Firestore document ID as a column and perform filter and sort operations on it! When you import collections in Fireview or refetch the schema of existing ones you'll see an Id
field show up.
Also, the sidebar has been reworked for easier navigation, plus we made the URL block previews a lot more reliable (and a little prettier) in document views.
Added ID field
Can be used in filters and other places just like data fields
Added caching for better performance
Improved sidebar
Improved URL block
Improved GenAI speed
Our first version of GenAI has been added to Fireview. Use natural language to easily create collections views and add tables to pages, based on your prompt. This is just the very start of our vision, stay tuned for more!
Added GenAI 1.0
Create collection views with natural language
You can now import multiple (or all) collections at once
You can now view the data of a document inside of our document view. The document view works the same as our pages, so drag fields around, add other blocks and create a custom layout that makes sense for your collections.
Added document view
View fields inside of a block
Create layouts for all data in a collection
Added drag to select to grid editors
Quickly delete multiple blocks at once
Selected project & database states are now cached
Filtering your Firestore data is now easier than ever before. Fireview now lets you use Notion style filters, which are intuitive but also very powerful to use.
You can now use filters in Fireview
Added OR & AND logic for complex queries, enabling more sophisticated data analysis
Introduced nested filters for multi-level data exploration
Save filters to a view just like in Notion so you never lose them
Extra customization
Added workspace themes to make Fireview align with your brand colors
Add icons to collections to keep things organized
Introducing the grid editor, an intuitive way to manage the content of pages and link it to your data.
Introduced grid editor for creating custom pages and dashboards
Drag-and-drop interface for easy layout customization
Block library include at the start:
Soon many more…
Improved table view to show nested fields directly
Enhanced visibility of complex data structures
Welcome to Fireview 1.0! In our very first version you're able to securely connect a Firebase project and view your data in a table.
Auto schema inference for quicker setup
Reducing manual configuration time for new users
Added ability to refine and customize inferred schemas
Data table connected to live Firestore data
Connect multiple Firebase projects and collections